Ohaus' Deals

Ohaus Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge Buy Get Promotion!

Take advantage of our Buy Get Promotion and be sure to select your free piece of Ohaus equipment before adding the centrifuge to your cart!

*Promotion Valid Until 2/28/25

See eligible products below:
Code Description
30314811-BND Ohaus FC5714 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314813-BND Ohaus FC5718 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314817-BND Ohaus FC5816 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314815-BND Ohaus FC5718R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30553037-BND Ohaus FC5916 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314819-BND Ohaus FC5816R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30553103-BND Ohaus FC5916R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor

Ohaus Lab Weighing Buy Get Promotion!

Take advantage of our Buy Get Promotion and be sure to select your free piece of Ohaus equipment before adding your preferred balance model to your cart!

*Promotion Valid Until 2/28/25

See eligible products below:
Code Description
83021360 Ohaus EX6202 Explorer Toploading Balance, 6200 g, 0.01 g
83021367 Ohaus EX10201N Explorer Precision Balance
30057099 Ohaus EX12001 Explorer Precision High Capacity Balance, 12000, 0.1 g
83021348 Ohaus EX623 Explorer Toploading Balance, 620 g, 0.001 g
30553888 Ohaus EX6202N Explorer Precision Balance
30553892 Ohaus EX12001N Explorer Precision High-Capacity Balance
30475733 Ohaus PX85 Pioneer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 82 g, 0.00001 g
83021331 Ohaus EX124 Explorer Analytical Balance, 120 g, 0.0001 g
30061976 Ohaus EX124/AD Explorer Analytical Balance
83021362 Ohaus EX10202 Explorer Toploading Balance, 10200 g, 0.01 g
83021350 Ohaus EX1103 Explorer Toploading Balance, 1100 g, 0.001 g
83021332 Ohaus EX224 Explorer Analytical Balance, 220 g, 0.0001 g
30852314 Ohaus AX85 Adventurer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 82 g, 0.00001 g
30057100 Ohaus EX24001 Explorer Precision High Capacity Balance, 24000 g, 0.1 g
30061977 Ohaus EX224/AD Explorer Analytical Balance
30475734 Ohaus PX225D Pioneer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 82 g/220 g, 0.00001 g/0.0001 g
30553893 Ohaus EX24001N Explorer Precision High-Capacity Balance
30241165 Ohaus MB120 Moisture Analyzer
83021364 Ohaus EX10202N Explorer Precision Balance, 10200 g, 0.01 g
83021352 Ohaus EX1103N Explorer Precision Balance, 1100 g, 0.001 g
30852313 Ohaus AX125D Adventurer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 82 g/120 g, 0.00001 g/0.0001 g
83021334 Ohaus EX224N Explorer Analytical Balance, 220 g, 0.0001 g
83021335 Ohaus EX324 Explorer Analytical Balance, 320 g, 0.0001
30057101 Ohaus EX35001 Explorer Precision High Capacity Balance, 10200 g, 0.01 g
30139510 Ohaus EX125D Explorer Semi-Micro Dual Range Analytical Balance, 51 g/120 g, 0.00001 g/0.0001 g
30061978 Ohaus EX324/AD Explorer Analytical Balance, 320 g, 0.0001 g
30061998 Ohaus EX224N/AD Explorer Analytical Balance
30553894 Ohaus EX35001N Explorer Precision High Capacity Analytical Balance
83021337 Ohaus EX324N Explorer Analytical Balance, 320 g, 0.0001 g
30852315 Ohaus AX225D Adventurer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 102 g/220 g, 0.00001 g/0.0001 g
30061999 Ohaus EX324N/AD Explorer Analytical Balance, 320 g, 0.0001 g
30139511 Ohaus EX125 Explorer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 120 g, 0.00001 g
30139512 Ohaus EX225D Explorer Semi-Micro Dual Range Analytical Balance, 51 g/120 g, 0.00001 g/0.0001 g
30139513 Ohaus EX225D/AD Explorer Semi-Micro Analytical Balance, 120/220g, 0.00001/0.0001g
30139514 Ohaus EX225/AD Explorer Semi-Micro Balance, 220 g, 0.00001 g

Ohaus Frontier Winter Flash Sale!

The Ohaus Frontier Centrifuges are designed for universal use in multiple applications in research, industrial, and clinical laboratories.

*Promotion Valid Until 2/28/25

See eligible products below:
Code Description
30130876-BND Ohaus FC5706 Frontier Multi Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30370692-BND Ohaus FC5513 Frontier Micro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30130867-BND Ohaus FC5515 Frontier Micro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314811-BND Ohaus FC5714 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314813-BND Ohaus FC5718 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314817-BND Ohaus FC5816 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30130869-BND Ohaus FC5515R Frontier Micro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314815-BND Ohaus FC5718R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30553037-BND Ohaus FC5916 Frontier Multi-Pro Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30314819-BND Ohaus FC5816R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30553103-BND Ohaus FC5916R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge w/ Selectable Rotor
30553103-CCBND Ohaus FC5916R Frontier Multi-Pro Refrigerated Centrifuge Cell Culture Bundle w/ Swing Out Rotor for 15ml and 50ml Tubes

Ohaus Shakers & Incubator Shakers Winter Sale!

Durable and user-friendly units that ensure precise, reliable mixing with some models including temperature control. Ideal for various lab applications.

*Promotion Valid Until 2/28/25

See eligible products below:
Code Description
30770911 Ohaus Endeavor 5000 Series e-E51LDMP03 AM Light Duty Microplate Shaker
30391959 Ohaus SHRK07AL1 Rocking Shaker, 1 Tier
30770910 Ohaus Endeavor 5000 Series e-E51LD0420 AM Light Duty Orbital Shaker
30391966 Ohaus SHRK07AL2 Rocking Shaker, 2 Tier
30391994 Ohaus SHRK04DG Rocking Shaker
30770909 Ohaus Endeavor 5000 Series e-E51LD0403 AM Light Duty Orbital Shaker
30391973 Ohaus SHWV02AL Waving Shaker
30391947 Ohaus SHWV02DG Waving Shaker
30391828 Ohaus SHRC0719DG Reciprocating Shaker
30391307 Ohaus SHHD1619AL Heavy Duty Shaker
30391807 Ohaus SHHD1619DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30391931 Ohaus ISLDMPHDGL Incubating Shaker
30391938 Ohaus ISLDMPHDG Incubating Shaker
30391987 Ohaus ISWV02HDG Waving Incubating Shaker
30391924 Ohaus ISLD04HDG Incubating Shaker
30391980 Ohaus ISRK04HDG Rocking Incubating Shaker
30391809 Ohaus SHEX1619DG Extreme Shaker
30573769 Ohaus ISHD16HDG Heavy Duty Incubating Orbital Shaker, 120V
30573784 Ohaus SHHSMPDG High Speed Microplate Shaker, 120V
30391945 Ohaus ISICMBCDG Incubating/Cooling Shaker
30391842 Ohaus SHHD2325DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30391835 Ohaus SHHD2325AL Heavy Duty Shaker
30391863 Ohaus SHHD4525DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30391870 Ohaus SHHD4550DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30391877 Ohaus SHHD6825DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30573774 Ohaus ISHD23HDG Incubating Heavy Duty Orbital Shaker
30391884 Ohaus SHHD6850DG Heavy Duty Shaker
30573779 Ohaus ISHD23CDG - Incubating and Cooling Heavy Duty Orbital Shaker