RPM to RCF Conversion Calculator

RPM to RCF Calculator

Fill revolutions per minute together with radius of rotor and hit the Calculate RCF button to calculate and display conversion in Relative Centrifugal Force Field. The RCF field is calculated from the formula:RCF = 1.12 x Radius x (RPM/1,000)2
Enter Revolutions per Minute (rpm):
Radius of Rotor (mm):
Click the button to calculate
Relative Centrifugal Force:

RCF = 1.12 x Radius x (RPM/1,000)2

RCF to RPM Calculator

Fill relative centrifugal force with radius of rotor and hit the Calculate RPM button to calculate and display conversion in the Revolutions per minute Field. The RPM field is calculated from the formula: RPM = √[RCF/(r × 1.118)] × 1,000
Enter Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF):
Radius of Rotor (mm):
Click the button to calculate
Revolutions per minute of rotor (rpm):

RPM = √[RCF/(r × 1.118)] × 1,000